Innovation Hub

Innovation at Hitachi is underpinned by our unique Duality Design philosophy, driving new standards in the cooling and heating sector.

View our Innovation Milestones video

Innovation Hub

Innovation at Hitachi is underpinned by our unique Duality Design philosophy, driving new standards in the cooling and heating sector.


Born in Japan, with a global presence

For over 80 years, Hitachi Cooling & Heating has been driven by the challenge to reshape the perception of air and climate control. We create premium solutions for residential and commercial spaces, and for those that work with them in a professional capacity.

We improve existing technologies and innovate within the gaps that emerge as lifestyles and businesses evolve. Our Duality Design philosophy allows us to discover new opportunities, developing products that provide simplicity, comfort and efficiency.

To achieve this, we use a set of design values developed through our experience and customer interactions: crafting products that integrate into a space but remaining distinct, offering a lineup of compact units that are efficient, and looking to make the complex simple, all to make the creation of comfortable environments effortless.

Our time is channelled into developing ideas big and small, from advances that help reduce harmful pollutants found in the air we breathe, to crafting aesthetically pleasing products that don't compromise on performance or comfort. Our commitment to minimizing our impact on the environment extends to you, designing products that are energy efficient and help lower running costs.

Duality Design helps us to translate our brand promise of Living Harmony into our products and the spaces that they are used in.

In the Innovation Hub, you'll learn more about our next-generation product technologies and ideas.

Product Design


The perfect blend of premium climate control technology and sleek aesthetics.


Self-cleaning technology providing cleaner, more hygienic air for longer.
Product Design

Duality Design philosophy

The foundation of Hitachi engineering which guides us through each stage of product development.