Partner with us

Hitachi air relies on our diverse partners to develop, grow and nurture our global ecosystem of customers. Join to our network.

Benefit from the advantages of being part of a leading company

Our desire to bring expertise, innovation and convenience to our customers has led us to strengthen an international network of partners to work with in order to continue to be a leading company in the development of high quality products.

At Hitachi Cooling & Heating we take care of our partners through multiple benefits integrated in our partner programmes. Join us and help us to continue creating world-class technology hand in hand.


Take the first step

Complete the form below and start your journey to join on board. We will inform you of the eligibility criteria, programmes and benefits you will be able to access.

We'll give you personalised assistance to provide you with all the information you need.


New text module

Euismod vehicula molestie pulvinar sapien bibendum habitant proin sem praesent, donec felis metus rutrum sagittis pellentesque elementum mauris curabitur risus, netus lectus litora vel integer platea aenean

Euismod vehicula molestie pulvinar sapien bibendum habitant proin sem praesent, donec felis metus rutrum sagittis pellentesque elementum mauris curabitur risus, netus lectus litora vel integer platea aenean

Euismod vehicula molestie pulvinar sapien bibendum habitant proin sem praesent, donec felis metus rutrum sagittis pellentesque elementum mauris curabitur risus, netus lectus litora vel integer platea aenean

Euismod vehicula molestie pulvinar sapien bibendum habitant proin sem praesent, donec felis metus rutrum sagittis pellentesque elementum mauris curabitur risus, netus lectus litora vel integer platea aenean


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2 of 2: About the partnership
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Warning test
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Warning test

Warning test