Ventilation and Air Renewal Solutions for Healthier Air

A healthier building has happier occupants. Our Ventilation systems treat each space with fresh air for cleaner, more comfortable indoor environments

Boost Wellbeing with Fresh Air

Today, the average person spends more than 75% of their day indoors; at home, at work, in the gym, shopping or socialising. Many of these environments are effectively sealed and fresh air isn’t easily available.

Without proper ventilation, CO2 levels rise, pollutants circulate and potentially harmful bacteria build-up, impacting on the wellbeing, comfort and productivity of occupants.

Make these spaces as healthy and comfortable as possible by providing fresh air with our premium ventilation systems for commercial buildings.

Our line-up fulfills the ventilation requirements of the desired space by drawing in clean air from the outside and replenishing indoor spaces. It features solutions that suit every type of building; You can use the ventilation technology alone or it can be incorporated into an Hitachi indoor unit via the fresh-air port. Thanks to accessories like this, you can optimise the design of your system to meet your needs.

We provide heat treatment options that deliver fresh air at the temperature you want, and features like Free Cooling mode that help achieve significant energy savings. We are compatible with accessories that can further improve indoor air quality and operational efficiency like an optional C02 sensor, which activates the equipment only when necessary. This lowers energy consumption and generates better savings, which is particularly beneficial for larger installations.

Hitachi ventilation solutions can be combined with filters to work in harmony with your air conditioning units to contribute to an even healthier environment.

Our solutions put the health and comfort of our customers at the forefront, improving the safety of indoor environments to deliver the optimal experience, whatever the weather.

Explore our range of ventilation systems

Hitachi Air Conditioners and Ventilation technology

Our range of air conditioning and ventilation solutions provides households and businesses with the leading climate control technology to create and maintain comfortable and healthy indoor environments. Meeting the evolving requirements of our clients means that we are constantly innovating our systems, resulting in a collection of elegant and efficient options that are designed to adapt to you and the spaces that they inhabit. Our ventilation and air renewal systems help ensure clean and fresh air is available at all times.

To see more of our ranges, click here, and if you are interested in receiving more information from a professional installer, find your nearest one using our Partner Locator.